Toyota Estima 2.4 Aeras G

Toyota Estima 2.4 Aeras G
Recond Unregistered
8 seater 
17" rims

RM 175,000.00

Full loan 
Interest rate 2.4% - 2.6% 
9 years repayment period 

Call/pm for further info 

013 222 7339
019 233 7377 


Toyota Wish 1.8 S Pack

Toyota Wish 1.8 S Pack 

Year 2009

Pls pm/call for price & furthef info 

Loan 100%
Interest rate 2.4% - 2.6% 

013 222 7339 
019 233 7377

Toyota Wish 1.8 S Pack

Toyota Wish 1.8 S Pack 

Year 2009

Pls pm/call for price & furthef info 

Loan 100%
Interest rate 2.4% - 2.6% 

013 222 7339 
019 233 7377

Toyota Wish 1.8 S Pack

Toyota Wish 1.8 S Pack 

Year 2009

Pls pm/call for price & furthef info 

Loan 100%
Interest rate 2.4% - 2.6% 

013 222 7339 
019 233 7377

Honda Stream 1.8 RSZ

Honda Stream 1.8 RSZ
Year 2008 

Recond Unregistered

Full spec 

Interest rate 2.4% to 2.6% 

100% loan 

Call us for more info 

013 222 3779 
017 375 7738 


Honda Stream 1.8 RSZ

Honda Stream 1.8 RSZ
Year 2008 

Recond Unregistered

Full spec 

Interest rate 2.4% to 2.6% 

100% loan 

Call us for more info 

013 222 3779 
017 375 7738